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  • Writer's pictureRyan Johnson

Apple Arcade Games

I recently had the opportunity to try a free 3-month trial of Apple Arcade and thought I’d report on the best games of the service. This is a list of the seven games I tried from best to worst. However, keep in mind my tastes may differ from yours. The more it felt like a mobile game, the less I enjoyed it, as I generally don’t like games on phones with only a few exceptions. I really liked the planning strategy games, so that populates the top of this list.

1. Mini Motorways

10/10 would recommend. This is a really fun strategy game. You are the road developer in a blossoming city and you have to add roads, bridges, tunnels, and highways as the area grows. All this with limited numbers to use. Eventually, it will get so congested that you lose the game. The pleasant look and feel of the game combined with the gameplay are what makes it a 10/10.

2. Outlanders

9/10 would recommend. Outlanders was so fun! A pleasant game where you try to turn a few individuals and some nature into a thriving town. You build buildings and give people jobs. You have to manage their happiness and healthiness, and try to achieve objectives without letting your outlanders die of hunger. A really charming and engaging game!

3. Mini Metro

9/10 would recommend. Exactly like Mini Motorways, but with city metros. The metros made the game a little less interesting than the motorways version, but fun, engaging, and pleasant nonetheless.

4. What the Golf!

5/10 would recommend. Now we're down to the games I wouldn't recommend. What the Golf was unique and I was engaged enough to 100% it. It was also pretty clever some of the time. But overall, it was weird and repetitive.

5. Cut the Rope Remastered

2/10 would recommend. Cut the Rope was a classic phone game, but it ultimately wasn't very fun to revisit, especially turned into a "mobile game".

6. Lumen

1/10 would recommend. Simple Puzzle game involving reflecting light.

7. Spire Blast

0/10 would recommend. Mobile Game with all that comes with that. Could be satisfying to knock down a tower with one fell swoop. Not worth playing.

Nearly two years after making this post, I'm actually posting it. Ultimately, I wouldn't recommend getting Apple Arcade, except for the fact that those top 3 that I played are must-play games. However, now you can purchase Mini Motorways on the Nintendo Switch for $15, and Mini Metros for $10, and I think those are great prices for some great games.

So, in summary, only buy Apple Arcade if you're dying to try Outlanders, or get lucky with free Apple Arcade trial and play through the game during the trial. And if you've got a Nintendo Switch, pick up Mini Motorways and Mini Metros. Both great games!

And that's all, friends. Ryan out.

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