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Above the Clouds

My Creative Resume

I consider myself an avid organizer and creator. I have an incredible sense of adventure and creativity, accompanied by a love of life that allows me to maximize my enjoyment of everything I spend my time on. The following is a list of some of my favorite personal projects, that I have spent hours and hours on. Some of these are incomplete, and some are outlines of grand projects I may never get to finish or even start. But, I have stories that I want to share, games I want to create, and interests I want to share. Whatever it is, I give it to you here. Click on the title to be taken to a page on my blog dedicated to it.

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This is my main location where I head all my ventures. I personally put together the contents and organization of this website, and I place it first in this list, because it hosts this list. I have spent countless hours thinking about fun things, and either formatting them somewhere on this website, or writing a blog post about them in my Blog, which is also hosted on this website.


As a fan of Nintendo and entertainment of all kinds, I started thinking up fun stories starring Nintendo lands and characters, specifically Zelda and Pokemon. Eventually, inspired by the Smash Bros series, I began to recognize opportunities for these stories to cross-over and become a fully-fledged Nintendo Entertainment Universe. 



My Google Sheets spreadsheet where I have kept a thorough record of every single Movie, TV Show, Book, Board Game, Video Game... In short, every entertainment item I have consumed since 2018. I dare you to find anyone who approaches entertainment as intentionally as I do.


The Ultimate Library is an idea that I have loved for a long time. The premise is that I could create a list of every single entertainment item that has had an impact on my life. My "would recommend" entertainment list. At this point, it is a virtual library, hosted on this website, but I would love to one day have a physical library displaying all of these books, board games, movies, tv shows, and video games. If there happened to be a secret passage that led to such a room in my house, that would be even better.

Wooden Bookshelves


I have learned a lot about finances from my dad, from listening to podcasts, and from basic trial and error. I feel prepared to take care of a family and to be wise with my financial actions. I want to share my understanding and raise awareness of the importance of financial wellbeing in this time of the world.

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