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The Life of Ryan Christopher Johnson

Image of Ryan

Ryan Christopher Johnson. -- That's my name. Its always the first thing anyone knows about me, but it's hard to express exactly what that name means. To paraphrase a wizard, "I am Ryan, and Ryan means... me."


Ryan means 'little king'. I'm a son of God, a young prince already entrusted with great blessings and responsibilities of my own.

Christopher means 'Christ-bearer' and is my dad's name. I bear the name of Christ in my heart and share it with my actions.

Johnson means family, and family means... everything. I love my family, immediate and extended, blood and in-law. They are

                                                              my best friends before anyone else.


But the sum of those three names doesn't quite encapsulate who I am.


Ryan Christopher Johnson means: I am a deep thinker and writer. I like everything I do. I am an optimist. I care deeply about people: friends and family. I also care about things, or rather the ideas and connections of things. I am an explorer and a completionist. I love my life. I am an Assertive Mediator and a Confident Individualist. I find joy in connections, and I find connections in everything. I believe in living, loving, and laughing. I am overjoyed with the times I am living in. I am Batman. I procrastinate, but mostly to do other meaningful things. I love writing this down. I host parties. I live in fantasy. I extend myself into the characters of the book I'm reading. I am best friends with my siblings and parents. I can't quite get into words what I'm thinking and feeling, but I still try. I love watermelon. I am married to the love of my life, Cassie. I have been highly favored of the Lord in all my days. I am endlessly happy.


In short, I am Ryan Christopher Johnson.

The Life of the Wife: Cassie Jeanette Johnson


The best part of my life is who I share it with. I love being married to Cassie Bean. We were married on July 24th, 2021, in the Portland Oregon Temple. Cassie is from Vancouver, Washington, the youngest of six, and has the best family, including great parents, Jeff and Tyna Bean, fun siblings and in-laws, six incredibly cute nieces, and one studly nephew. I'm so happy to have a partner in Cassie for everything we decide to do.

Cassie Jeanette (Bean) Johnson. -- That's her name. I personally think it is super cute and just hearing her name, especially when associated with my own, makes me very happy.


Cassie means 'Purity' and 'she who fills men with love'. She certainly is that to me. Our marriage feels pure and full of love.

Jeanette means 'God is Gracious'. Cassie is a good example of showing gratitude and knowing what is most important.

Bean means a family of love and laughter, spending time together, and a heritage of togetherness, love, and understanding.

Johnson means she's mine. Thank the heavens! I'm so glad that she said yes to becoming a Johnson. Together, Cassie and I will have six children of our own and raise them to know what it means to be loved. I am so excited to be the Johnson family, as long as Cassie is going to be there with me.


But, again, Cassie is so much more to me than I could ever describe.


Cassie Jeanette (Bean) Johnson means: She is selfless and kind. She has the most beautiful smile and laugh. She loves everything she does. She desperately wants to travel and see the world. She makes me happy. She is cute, gorgeous, and beautiful. She makes me laugh. She gets excited about her favorite things. She loves being surprised, but can't stand it if she knows one is coming. She has a serious case of FOMO. She wants to make her family proud. She is fun to do anything and everything with. She has the cutest curliest hair. She is always doing better than she thinks she is. She cares about everyone. She loves old people and thinks they are so cute. She loves kids and thinks they are so cute. She loves dogs and thinks they are so cute. She cares about me and my interests. She loves Friends. She is loved by everyone she interacts with. She could not be more perfect for me. She is my best friend.


In short, I love Cassie Jeanette (Bean) Johnson.

About This Website

To introduce myself again, I'm Ryan. I graduated from Brigham Young University in 2022 with a degree in Computer Engineering and minors in Math and Computer Science. I love Cassie, Europe, Christmas, watermelon, reading, The Gospel, my incredible parents and siblings, board games, my friends, pickleball, learning, all things Disney, Nintendo, playing frisbee and soccer, and The Lord of the Rings. The list could go on, and I want to go in detail on each of these things. Actually, that is why I created this website. It is a place that I can go into detail on each and every one of my interests. I have a lot going on in my brain, and I need a place like this to let it out and capture it.


The Many Lives of Ryan Johnson

The title of this website is based on the title of a book by Brandon Sanderson that I actually haven't read yet. While my website does cover my life, it also covers the many avenues of entertainment that I love, my "other lives". This is the second iteration of a website title, after Link To The Now. I want people to be interested in the website and blog and also learn something about it based on the title. Welcome to the many lives of... Ryan Johnson.


The Ultimate Library

Included in my love of life, is a love of many forms of entertainment. Movies, Books, Board Games, Video Games, Sports, Food, Countries. This is a place for me to lay it all out, my ultimate library, for me and others to browse and enjoy and connect.


My Creative Resume

Under my creative resume, you can find my favorite personal projects. These are things that I love, and that I have spent a lot of time thinking about and developing. This website is one of those projects.



This is a place for words and pictures to go together in perfect harmony, and for everyone to see and enjoy. The posts are categorized with the following tags: Life, Party, Movie, TV Show, Book, Board Game, Video Game, Writing/Projects, and Finance.



One of the most stressful aspects of life is finance. However, this is something that I understand fairly well and want to share with others. When individuals ignore financial principles, avoid budgeting, and accumulate debt, they adds stress and bondage to their life that can be avoided. In this section of my website, I discuss financial principles that I have learned from my dad, financial podcasts and programs, and other sources.




And as all good things eventually do, this website has come to an end. I am grateful that I got to create it and I will always fondly look back at this website as a little snapshot of the life of 20-24 year old me. I'll let you know if I create a new website to host my creative ramblings. See you later!

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