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  • Writer's pictureRyan Johnson

07/24/21 - The Best Day of My Life

I am married to Cassie Jeanette Bean. I can't believe it. I am the single luckiest guy in the world. We were waiting so long for this day, but somehow it came so fast.

The day started with me waking up, getting some breakfast, and getting showered and ready for the big day. I remember being just so happy and content. There was a spirit of love and rightness that just filled me up from the moment I woke up and that stayed with me throughout the whole day. I drove with my family from our hotel to the Portland Oregon temple.

It was there that we broke through the trees into a beautiful view of the temple. I was blown away. It is gorgeous, and I can still remember my awe that I was going to be married in the most beautiful temple ever. It is so pretty.

We parked the car and I stepped outside and saw Cassie for the first time in the day. She looked so beautiful. She was in her getaway dress, as she wouldn't change into her wedding dress until we got inside the temple. We were so excited and happy.

We waited in front of the temple for a little bit until it was time to enter and then went inside. Being married for time and eternity was an incredible experience, and Cassie looked gorgeous! It was amazing to have just family in the temple. Cassie's parents, siblings, and their spouses were all there. And my parents and grandparents were there, as well as my sister Katie and my aunt Nikole. We felt so blessed to have them all there. It was such an amazing experience.

After we exited the temple, we gave everyone hugs, and spent a long time taking pictures. It was so fun! We love our family and friends. We're so glad so many of them were able to come.

After the family was excused, Cassie and I kept taking pictures and then drove back to the hotel to gather our stuff. It felt so good to get in the car, all in our wedding getup, knowing that we were finally husband and wife. After we picked up our stuff at the hotel, we drove to the reception to help with the setup.

It was a beautiful event, with so many pretty flowers everywhere. We had some amazing food and so many people we love came. The highlight of the event was hearing from both of our dads, Jeffrey Bean and Christopher Johnson, followed by hearing from both of our Katies, Katie Bean and Katie Johnson, and finally hearing from Spencer and Brinnley. Each of their words of love just made us feel so happy and loved and right for each other.

I loved dancing with my mom. It felt so great to have a second to spend with her despite all the organized chaos of the wedding day. I've always been her boy, and I love her for everything she taught me and the unconditional love she has always shown. She is a really really good mother. I'm also so grateful for my father and his example on how to care for my wife.

Other highlights of the reception include:

- Getting cake purposefully smeared across my face by my wife, while I carefully placed mine so as to avoid messing up her makeup.

- Beautiful flower arrangements.

- So much family and so many hugs and kind words.

- A super fun sendoff with flower petals and cheers.

- An absolutely beautiful newlywed wife!


I am so incredibly lucky to be married to Cassie. Every day with her is a blessing. She truly completes me. She makes me the best version of me and I just want to be the best husband and caretaker I can for her.

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