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  • Writer's pictureRyan Johnson

The Entertainment Inn

I came up with the awesome idea of hosting a party where the White House was a restaurant and dinner was made up of different forms of entertainment. So, I decided on card games for the appetizer, video games for the entrée, and a movie for dessert, and I called it the Entertainment Inn.

On the day before and day of the party, I cleaned the entire house, bought some snacks, set up the table with a tablecloth, and printed out menus for everyone to order from. Then, I decided to commandeer Carson's table to create an entertainment display. Michael helped me, and we put together all of our best entertainment belongings to make this awesome display. We had plenty of Nintendo products, sports, board games (like the huge stack of all those dominion games), and more, and we interspersed it with towels, utensils, fruit, and cooking instruments to make for the restaurant vibe. It was pretty awesome.

The invitees who were able to make it were Michael, Hayden, Charlie, Cassie, Illyana, Anna, Spencer, Brinnley, Daylee, Sabrina, and Hannah. It was a fun group, and as I like to say: The group makes the party. They were all great and excited about everything, which made it really fun.

For each part of the "meal", I handed out a menu specifying our options. I took everyone's "order" (vote) and whichever item on the menu got the most votes is what we did.

The appetizer options were Hand and Foot, O Heck!, and Nerts. While everything got votes, O Heck! won. (and since then, we've played lots of Wizard and Skull King, which are just enhanced variations of the same game. Skull King is Cassie's favorite game.)

Again, every item got at least a few votes, but the Mario Kart Double Tournament got the most orders, and I set up both Super Mario Kart on Brian's SNES Classic and Mario Kart Wii on Cassie's Wii.

Finally, dessert. I made some popcorn and we watched The Three Amigos. It was fun and the most people hadn't seen that one, so it was a great pick.

Sadly, I didn't take any pictures at this party, but everyone had a great time, and everyone congratulated how creative the party was.

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