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  • Writer's pictureRyan Johnson


Thanksgiving Questionnaire

(From My Family's FHE Activity)

What’s something that you’re looking forward to?

- Christmas

- Walton Reunion at the Lodge

- Watching the Lord of the Rings

What’s a simple pleasure that you’re grateful for?

- Thinking of fun ideas and stories

- Holding hands with Cassie

What’s something that you are grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?

- Dominion: Renaissance

- a Girlfriend who plays 7 Wonders and watches BYU Football Games and movies with me

Write about someplace you’ve been that you’re grateful for.

- Albania and Kosovo

- Germany

- Disneyland.

What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?

- I am bigger than I was

- I enjoy working out

Open the door or window and look outside. What’s something you’re grateful for outside?

- Snow

- Fresh cold air

- Playing frisbee with Hayden and Carson

What have you been given that you’re grateful for?

- Hugs

What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?

- I am clever

- I'm able to understand difficult concepts and think up fun ideas

What friends are you grateful for?

- Cassie

- Michael

- Hayden

- Carson

- Charlie

- Spencer

- Brinnley

- Yana and Anna

What family member are you grateful for?

- Megan and Emily, for being my best friends

- My parents, for being helpful and loving and understanding and board game players.

- My bros, for being excited about new Nintendo games with me.

- Katie, for being excited about my updates.

- Mike and Carly, for doing fun things, having cute kids, and living nearby.

What’s a tradition that you’re grateful for?

- 100 Days Before Christmas Party

- Sleeping in a room with all my siblings on Christmas Eve

- Christmas Breakfast

- Squamish Bars

- Christmas Highlight Videos (Yes. I'm in a Christmas mood.)

What skill(s) do you have that you’re grateful for?

- Pickleball

- Google Sheets

- Nintendo

- Setting up board games and understanding the rules.

Open your phone or photo album and find a photo that you like. Why are you grateful for this photo? What are you grateful for in the photo?

It reminds me of what great friends I have, and how studly we are. I'm also grateful that Mom is such a good photographer and blogger.


Thanksgiving Dinner

On Thanksgiving day, I was in Utah instead of Colorado for various reasons, but it was still so fun because I got to go to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Ashlyn came too. We had so much fun preparing the meal (I was on potato-pealing duty), talking, and laughing. It was a fun gathering, with one of us from each generation of Johnsons. The turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy were divine. Thanks, Grandma and Ashlyn. I played with Grandma's dog, Ruby, a lot. We watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, played some games of Racko, and ate custard from Nielsen's. We ended up staying really late talking, looking at photos, and discussing classic movies. I'm so grateful for my extended family, especially my Grandma Johnson and aunt Ashlyn.


President Nelson gave a great message to the world last week, inviting everyone to show gratitude through social media and through personal prayer. I decided to accept the #GiveThanks challenge and to post it here instead of on Instagram. So here goes:

Day 1 - 21 Nov - I have the best family. In answer to one of the gratitude questions from Mom, "Who is a family member are you grateful for, and why?", Megan said "Ryan, for being my best friend." and it made me so happy. She is my best friend. It is so fun that I can say that about her and about each of my immediate family members for different reasons. Mom and Dad called last week while driving home from Denver, and we had such a fun conversation. Lots of laughs and lots of great quotes. I love my Dad. He is the best and makes me laugh. My parents and I are best friends, and it is so great. I would never trade that relationship for anything. There are so many things I love about my parents. That we can hold a serious and fun conversation and that they respect my ideas and want me to be happy are not least among them. I love them. It was Luke's birthday today and I got him a nice Star Wars deck of cards. It was fun to talk to him and wish him a happy birthday. My family and I make each other happy, and that is the best thing ever. I'm grateful for Chris, Lisa, Katie, Emily, Megan, Luke, and Matthew. #GiveThanks

Day 2 - 22 Nov - Cassie just left today to spend Thanksgiving week with her family, so that's exciting for her. I'll be staying in Utah this year. My family is going to Texas to visit Amy and Chris. I'll have Thanksgiving dinner with Grandma Johnson and Ashlyn, which will be so fun of course. I will also get a lot of school work, fun work, and work work done on my laptop. Finally, I may also play some Enter the Gungeon with Michael, New Super Mario Bros Wii with Carson, and finish Super Mario Galaxy on my own. However, the beginning of this week will be dedicated to ECEN 240 studying (I take Midterm #3 on Tuesday) and ECEN 330 Labs (Lab #5 due Wednesday). By the way, Cassie is beautiful, and has the best laugh and smile, and is chill and fun about everything you could imagine. She's so cute and so kind and makes me so happy. Yesterday, we make some Christmas countdown crafts with Brinnley, Spencer, and Anna. So, we split up to get stuff. Spencer and I got the manly men stuff from Lowes (wood and nails and such). Then, Spencer and I had to leave to meet up with the boys at Chili's for Charlie's birthday dinner. That was fun to hang out, just the OGWH plus Trevor. The best was that Spencer and I were able to talk in the car, about Cassie and me, about our families and how cool it is that our parents were best friends at BYU and now we are, and we have to make sure the next gen does the same. (Spencer said they weren't having kids anytime soon, so we can still coordinate our children. I said he is allowed a 6-month headstart, which is the gap between him and me.) We also talked about Mando of course. Spencer is my best friend. I'm so grateful that Spencer and Brinnley are my best friends, and that Cassie is their best friend as well, and mine. We have such good times together. I'm grateful for Cassie, Spencer, and Brinnley. #GiveThanks

Day 3 - 23 Nov - Hayden and Charlie left today to be with their families for Thanksgiving. Charlie will be back next week, but Hayden is home until January. I'm gonna miss him. Carson and I spent some time playing and actually completing New Super Mario Bros Wii since its just us two here now (plus Thomas, but he leaves tomorrow). That was fun. I wanted to get some more studying done before my test on Tuesday, but I laid down on the bean bag around 11:00 and fell right asleep for the night. Woke up at 8:50 having had a great night, and just in time for 9:00 class. It was great. Just slept all night in my jeans with full pockets and everything. I must have been really tired! So pretty much, I'm grateful for sleep. Also, I'm grateful for my roommates + Michael. Michael and I played some Enter the Gungeon again last night and did somehow incredibly well, despite the fact that we made some dumb mistakes. We shot our guns in the store and then the store was closed for the rest of the run. Despite that though, for the first time ever we beat the third boss, and then we beat the fourth boss, and then we were that close to beating the dragun (fifth boss). We were shocked that we did so well. We had so many guns, including a gun that shoots guns, and we had to keep reviving each other with chests. Fun stuff. Also, I talked to Mark on the phone today. It was great to catch up. He is a stud. In summary, I'm grateful for Sleep, and Michael, Charlie, Hayden, Carson, and Mark. #GiveThanks

Day 4 - 24 Nov - Today, I took my ECEN 340 test and I'm not sure how I did yet, but I'm not feeling great about it. We'll see how it ends up, but golly I'm worried. It's not like I'm going to fail any classes. It's just that I'm on the edge between getting a scholarship or not. I hope hope hope that I do well enough to get one last year of scholarships, but I just don't know how it's gonna go. I'm grateful for my major though. I'm learning so many crazy and cool things. So, anyway, I'm actually suddenly thinking about doing graduate school somewhere else. I would love to have a new place to live for the two years of graduate school outside of Utah, and to have another university and new experiences to add to my resume. I love all the places I've lived, and I love moving around. I love travel and vacations and all the experiences my family and I have shared in so many places, living and traveling. I'm grateful for Computer Engineering, Europe, and Travel. #GiveThanks

Day 5 - 25 Nov - My day was filled with working on my EC En 380 lab due today, watching the Good Place (I've got the house and the projector to myself), driving Spencer and Brinnley to the airport, and playing Villainous and then Smash Bros with Mike, Carly, and Brian. Brian and I played Smash yesterday too, and I've decided on my five mains being Dr. Mario, Ivysaur, Daisy, Pikachu, and Zelda. It's always fun to see Mike, Carly, and Brian. We have lots of fun together. It's great to have so many friends and family who want to play board games with me, and who are interested in what's going on in my life. I'm grateful for Mike, Carly, Brian, and The Good Place. #GiveThanks

I failed to write entries for the remaining two days of the challenge, but I spent lots of time watching the Good Place and getting ahead on homework. Next on the gratitude list would have been: More Extended Family, BYU, The Y on the Mountain, Outdoor Activities and Sports, Board Games, My Spreadsheets, The Book of Mormon, Jesus Christ, Living Prophets, My Imagination, The Wheel of Time, Zupa's, and so much more.

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