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  • Writer's pictureRyan Johnson

October 2020 General Conference

I love general conference, and as usual, this was an especially good one. So many good talks. A lot to take in and apply to my life. I have so many things I need to change and improve in my life. I need to consciously pray and work for the things that are most important for my eternal progression and my ability to help others. Below are my notes on each talk and a journal of conference weekend.


Saturday Morning

President Russell M. Nelson (President of the Church)

Our spirits long to progress. God and Jesus Christ and their holy angels are watching over us. lay hold upon the word of God, which will lead the disciple of Christ in a straight and narrow course.

Elder David A. Bednar (Quorum of the Twelve)

Our trials will guide and stretch us. Maladies of spiritual casualness. The 5 virgins without oil were hearers and not doers. Let's focus on ways we can improve, physically, spiritually, intellectually, and socially. Choices must be made. Not choosing is a choice. Don't drift in the current. That will not do. The days of comfortably having one foot in the restored church and one foot in the world are rapidly disappearing. The process of proving ourselves is a huge part of our Father's plan.

Scott D. Whiting (Seventy)

What level of effort are we willing to give to change our lives to become like him. The best way to heal relationships and fractured societies is to more fully emulate the Savior. Our loving Heavenly Father has a perfect view of us and will lovingly show us our weakness. Change your heart, mind, and even your character, to become like Christ. Select an attribute that will become your focus. Christlike attributes are gifts from a loving heavenly father. With the time you spend focused on developing one attribute, all Christlike attributes will be lifted. Record your impressions and your progress. You will see the attribute in other people. This journey will require real effort and sacrifice. Our entire mortal experience is about progression. Reaching the end is not what life is about. Only with his divine help, can we approach becoming like him.

Michelle D. Craig (Young Women General Presidency)

They that be with us are more than they that be with them. Trust in God and in His timing, because you can trust His heart with all of yours. We can follow the example of Jesus and see individuals, their struggles, and who they can become. I don't want to be like the priest or the Levite, who passes by on the road, but too often I am. A simple hug can mean a lot (showing that someone cares).

Elder Quentin L. Cook (Quorum of the Twelve)

Be a Zion people. Let's be an oasis of unity and celebrate diversity. Foster an atmosphere of inclusion. Unity and Diversity are not opposites. Wards are determined by geography and language, not by race. Race is not identified on membership records. We are all brothers and sisters. Be one. If you are not one, you are not mine. Oneness is what the Lord asks of us, and a thing he specifically prayed for before his crucifixion. We honor our pioneers because they faced and overcame challenges, strove to be more Christlike, and were united and one in Christ.

Elder Ronald A. Rasband (Quorum of the Twelve)

I want to go recommended to the Lord. This brings a whole new meaning to regular recommend interviews. To qualify for a temple recommend, you have to live the principles of the restored gospel, the principles of a disciple of Christ, devoted to His work. A temple recommend interview is to be reminded of what is expected of a saint. It is invaluable preparation for the time when you will be called to stand before the Lord. Seek time to be holy. The body should be treated with reverence, "our body is a temple, which needs the greatest care". Line up at the door of the bishop to receive a temple recommend. The Kirtland saints lined up, knowing there were sacred blessings to be provided in the temple. Inspiration and peace are promised in the temple. Opportunities for temple worship have been suspended, but the need of being worthy to enter the temple has not been suspended. Maintain a love of the Lord's house.

President Dallin H. Oaks (First Presidency)

Expand your circle of love to embrace the whole human family. We are loved and will be helped by our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.


Saturday Afternoon

Elder D. Todd Christofferson (Quorum of the Twelve)

A journalist's grandfather turned 100. Instead of asking about how his grandfather lived such a long life, he put a focus on how he lived such a good life: Obligation to God, and family, and country. An honorable husband and father. The light of Christ (often called conscience). The sustainability of a healthy society is affected by virtue and morality, God has given us commandments that lead to a fulness of joy.

Steven J. Lund (Young President General President)

Take your calling and your opportunities to serve very seriously. You can inspire and uplift others by humbly carrying out your sacred duties. We are eternally connected with our families, come what may.

Elder Gerrit W. Gong (Quorum of the Twelve)

The Lord's tender mercies are seen during life's hardest challenges.

W. Christopher Waddell (Presiding Bishopric)

Preparation: Do what you can when you can. Have a basic supply of food and water and a reserve of money. Limits were established by Joseph so that there could be enough for the time of plenty and for the time of famine. We too must establish limits. We are invited to follow the guidelines of self-reliance to better allow ourselves to receive the temporal blessings of the Lord. By following these commandments, we show our trust that he will magnify our small, but consistent efforts.

Matthew S. Holland (Seventy)

The moment we begin to come to Christ, the weight of our sins begins to transfer from our back to His. Repentance allows us to taste the incredible joy that Alma tasted.

William K. Jackson (Seventy)

Bringing that which is good and right from our old culture, into that great culture of Christ, is only going to enhance our fellowship, our understanding, and our love of the Gospel.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Quorum of the Twelve)

We will endure this, yes, but we will do more than just wait for things to return to normal. We will move forward and progress despite the times. Although we may feel buried by trials, the atonement of Jesus Christ and the gospel will allow us to spring forth and keep moving forward. God used a period of trial to strengthen Joseph's character and prepare him to save his family. How many times did the early church despair and wonder if the Lord had forgotten them? But God had great things in store for them. Some things we learn from the scriptures and church history: 1. The righteous do not get a free pass to avoid difficulties. 2. God knows that we suffer, and because we are his children, he will not abandon us. 3. God has something unimaginable in mind for you personally and for the church. We are on our way to heights we cannot imagine. Return to the fundamentals, what matters most: study the scriptures, pray, keep the commandments. Focus on the things you can do, not the things you cannot do. Focus on the lord and the voice of his prophet to guide you to safety.


Sunday Morning

President M. Russell Ballard (Quorum of the Twelve)

People today are in desperate need of divine guidance. It is appropriate to petition God for answers to things that trouble us. After we kneel in prayer, we need to get up and do what we can to help. Combine prayer with action to make a difference in your life and the lives of others. Prayer will help those searching for a vaccine. Prayer will provide comfort. Rededicate yourself to prayer. Pray on your walks. Pray in your family. Always have a prayer in your heart. Pray for clarity and focus and it will be provided. How great is the power of prayer and how needed is that power today.

Lisa L. Harkness (Primary General Presidency)

Their focus was on surviving the moment. We are being buffeted with unforeseen trials. Waves of fear can distract us, leaving our perspective short-sighted and out of focus. We can intentionally make efforts to increase our faith in Jesus Christ. We earn patience and humility through such experiences. Our current circumstances are not our final destination. We have hope in the Lord and His promises. He is keenly aware of our struggles and sorrows. He is in our boat. We will hear Him say "Peace, be still."

Elder Ulisses Soares (Quorum of the Twelve)

Inappropriate thoughts allowed to stay can shape the desires of our hearts, and change our course to eternity. This is why many are called, but few are chosen. Our mortal inclinations will not disappear on their own. It takes lots of effort and willpower throughout our lives. Know however that Christ is ready and willing to help. Lust is an unholy desire for something. A man who let one unholy thought invade his mind eventually committed a sin that went against all the light in his life. As we consistently resist smaller temptations, we will be able to easily resist large transgressions. Derive strength from the Savior and say "No. Get thee hence." to every small temptation and thought. Don't perpetuate misunderstandings, anger, or arguments. Through Christ, we can triumph over temptations and transgressions and return to live with Him.

Carlos A. Godoy (Presidency of the Seventy)

The angels that walk among us in our everyday lives. When it comes to your happiness and salvation, it is always worth the effort to keep trying. My spirit shall be in your heart, and my angels round about you to bear you up. The Lord is aware of their challenges and is looking for willing volunteers to be angels in their lives. Would you be willing to be angels? To be emissaries on this side of the veil to one in need? If you look carefully, you will find many such in need of help. The Lord puts those in need of our help on our path daily.

Elder Neil L. Andersen (Quorum of the Twelve)

Gratitude for my knowledge that Jesus is the Christ. We worship and follow Him. He is the anchor for our souls. We speak of Jesus Christ, but maybe we can do a little better. Are there images of the Savior in our homes? Do we talk often of the parables and stories of Jesus? Consciously think about teaching your children using Christ's teachings and actions. 2 Nephi 25:26. Our light can spread and turn people to the Savior. Not every contact has to end in an invitation to church or a meeting with the missionaries. Seek to spread comfort and love and the light of Christ.

President Russel M. Nelson (President of the Church)

The doctrine of the gathering of Israel. Israel = Let God Prevail. The very name of Israel refers to a person who is willing to let God prevail in their life. The Lord is gathering those who will let God prevail in their lives. Those who will choose to have God be the most important influence in their lives. We are latter-day saints, or latter-day covenant Israel. Building faith within the hearts of those around us. Anytime we do anything to help anyone on either side of the veil grow closer to God, we are gathering Israel. Myopic = short-sighted. Let's expand our spiritual vision. Are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Are you willing to let whatever He needs you to do take precedence over every other ambition? Are you willing to have your will swallowed up in His? When you let God prevail in your life, you know what you want to accomplish and who you really want to become. Satan is no longer even trying to hide his attacks on God. The only way to resist Satan is to let God prevail in our lives. How does the Lord feel about the people who let God prevail in their lives? He loves them and remembers His covenants with them (1 Nephi 17:40). He pledges that he will fight our battles and our children's battles (and so on) as we let the Lord prevail in our lives. We will see that our God really is a God of miracles.


Sunday Afternoon

President Henry B. Eyering (First Presidency)

Our times of trial and testing will require unshakable faith in Him. Satan tries to turn as many of us as he can away from Christ. We knew going in that whatever forces Satan could muster, the forces of good would be overwhelmingly greater. He may not remove the burden, but He will give you strength, comfort, and HOPE. He sends the Holy Ghost to be your companion, comforter, and guide. You cannot imagine the glory and blessings that will come after much tribulation. One of the blessings is a change in character. We do not need to seek tribulation. In this life, we will be provided with many tests. In addition, we will notice the tribulations of others, and try to help. We may be facing intense testing at the time. However, we will notice that as we help others, our backs will be strengthened to carry our own burdens.

Jeremy R. Jaggi (Seventy)

My family was impressed with a verse that we decided would be our theme for 2020. "Count it all joy when you fall into many afflictions" (James 1:2 - JST). This has been a year full of counting joy. "Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing" (James 1:3-4). Let a disciple of Christ be your mort important affiliation. I count as joy that I had so much extra time at home with my family. I count as joy that I have the best roommates to be quarantined with. I count as joy that I have been humbled and prepared to receive important direction from the Lord. I count as joy that God answers prayers. I count as joy the spirit of fellowship and love that largely prevails in my circles.

Elder Gary E. Stevenson (Quorum of the Twelve)

"Having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days." (1 Nephi 1:1) Christ is our HOPE, our consolation, and our deliverer.

Milton Camargo (Sunday School General Presidency)

"Pray in the name of Jesus Christ about your concerns, your fears, your weaknesses—yes, the very longings of your heart. And then listen! Write the thoughts that come to your mind. Record your feelings and follow through with actions that you are prompted to take. As you repeat this process day after day, month after month, year after year, you will “grow into the principle of revelation." "In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost" (Prof. Nelson). When we seek, we are humbly acknowledging that we have much to learn. To knock is to act in faith. "Alma labored much in the spirit, wrestling with God in mighty prayer" (Alma 8:10). This is what we should do.

Elder Dale G. Renlund (Quorum of the Twelve)

Am I doing enough? What should I be doing? How can I, as a flawed person, qualify to ‘dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness’? Left to our own devices the prospect of returning to live in God's presence is hopeless. We act honorably with God by walking humbly with him. We act honorably with others by dealing justly with them and not mistreating them. A just person turns away from sin and toward God. As we learn to walk humbly with God, we learn to love mercy as God and Jesus Christ do. They love mercy and do not begrudge its use (forgetting forgiven sins completely). We don't just like the mercy God extends to use. We delight in the mercy extended to others. Individuals who walk with God remember what God and Jesus Christ have done for them. God and Jesus do not want us to be paralyzed with fear that we haven't done enough or that we may stumble sometime. We can be confident that we are on the right track when we do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.

Kelly R. Johnson (Seventy)

Understanding what we must do to access the power of God is not easy. Study it out in your minds and ask God for direction. The power of God allows us to do more than we could do by ourselves. Superficial faith is insufficient. Having the word of God deep within our soul can provide me with the power to overcome the fiery darts of the adversary.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Quorum of the Twelve)

How long do we wait for help to come? Why the delay, when burdens seem more than we can bear? We are not the first or the last to ask these questions when sorrows and aches weigh us down. There will be times when even our best spiritual efforts do not yield the victories we desire. An apostolic promise that those prayers are heard and they are answered. They are answered in the time and in the way that an omniscient and perfectly compassionate parent should answer them. Merciful Father is His name. The times and seasons of our mortal journey are His alone to direct. He administers these calendars individually. For every Nephi and Lehi who is protected by a pillar of flame for their faith, there is an Abinadi who is killed in a pillar of flame for theirs. We may see suffering before we see His arm revealed in our behalf. A life cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free. Christianity is comforting, but it is often not comfortable. We cannot go through life comfortably, avoiding what made God ...God, and yet expect to live with God, as He is. The seed has to be nourished and we must wait for it to mature. We look forward with an eye of faith to the fruit thereof. Diligence and patience are required, waiting with longsuffering for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you. (Alma 32:41-43).

President Russel M. Nelson (President of the Church)

The Lord wants you to feel optimistic about the future. This is the dispensation when no spiritual blessing will be withheld from the righteous. This is no time to be spinning our wheels in the past. The gathering of Israel moves forward and, directed by the Lord, it will achieve its directives. Turn your heart and soul increasingly to Jesus Christ. Let that be your new normal.


4 October 2020

This has been a great weekend. General Conference is such a blessing to me. It has been so great to take this time to allow myself to listen and learn and refocus. I sincerely hope and pray that I can apply the things I've learned over the past two days into my daily life. So many messages of hope. The above line in bold from President Nelson really stood out to me. I am generally optimistic, but in the middle of a rough semester, it's not easy to be, but this makes it so much easier. My favorite talks this conference were from Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Holland, and President Nelson (Sunday Morning). But, I guess those speakers are my favorite every year. I think they are so powerful and know exactly what I need to hear.

As if having conference wasn't enough, there was plenty of other fun stuff going on. I watched Saturday conference with Hayden, Charlie, and Anna. After the afternoon session, Charlie's sister, Clara, dropped off some home-made bread for us. Then, not 30 minutes later, Grandpa knocked on the door with a loaf of bread from Grandma. He had driven his motorcycle down to deliver it to me, and we had a great conversation from a 6-foot distance for a few minutes. We have made good use of the bread though. We had delicious bread to eat with our fish that night (fished up by Hayden and Michael on Friday morning) and with our stew on Sunday (made by Hayden with our help). It just made us laugh that we got two loaves of bread made for us on the same day.

Saturday night, I took Cassie out to get crepes with me. It was her first time leaving her apartment in about two weeks due to quarantine, so she was excited. We had so much fun talking and ended up staying at the crepe place for two and a half hours, just talking and laughing. So, yes, that was a great night.

On Sunday, we went over to Spencer and Brinnley's house to watch the morning session, and to eat breakfast beforehand. It was so fun. Plus, Spencer's brother, Garrett, was there too. What a great group to watch conference with. The only other stuff I did this weekend was work on religion homework, work on this website, and try not to think about the week of school ahead of me.

I love my Savior, and I'm so grateful for prophets who testify of and point us to Him. I was grateful today to be reminded of the power of prayer, and the importance of clean thoughts and optimistic attitudes. I'm grateful for my best friends, and for my wonderful family and extended family. In other words, I'm grateful for angels (see Elder Godoy's talk). I have the best life, and despite living in "not ideal" 2020 conditions, I can progress and I can be joyful.

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