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  • Writer's pictureRyan Johnson

100 Days Before Christmas 2020

This party was so much fun to put on. For the days preceding the party, Anna and Cassie were so excited and told me so repeatedly. I spent a good amount of time preparing the activities and decorations and making the cookies. The actual party took place on the 18th of September, 98 days before Christmas.

Top: Me, Thomas, Carson, Charlie, Trevor, Spencer, Tate, Michael.

Bottom: Hayden, Cassie, Illyana, Brinnley, Brecka, Anna, and Brecka's roommate.


The activity schedule this year was:

6:45 - 7:00 Socializing / Enjoying Christmas Music / Mint M&Ms and Oreos

7:00 - 7:45 Chimes

7:45 - 8:15 Prep and Landing

8:15 - 8:30 Sugar Cookies and Hot Chocolate

8:30 - 9:30 White Elephant Gift Exchange

9:30 - 11:00 Home Alone


I loved having everyone over. The activities were all very fun, especially with our group. Playing Christmas songs on the chimes was a big hit. Everyone liked watching Prep and Landing. Some people were extremely excited by the Christmas Egg Nog that I found. There were lots of laughs and fun exchanges with the White Elephant Gift Exchange. I got a Forky figurine, which I thought was pretty fun, and Hayden gave me some Pokemon cards that he got. Tate got an inflatable picture frame, which was also fun. We closed out the night by watching Home Alone. Well, it was on, but most people were just talking, which made me happy as a host. I sat with Cassie, and we actually did watch the movie, also talking while we watched.

Everyone enjoyed the party. Cassie and Anna declared multiple times after the party that they had been listening to Christmas music, and now felt like Christmas should be closer. Sorry that I made people even more done with this semester. Now we are all looking forward to Christmas, and that's what this party was for.

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